Automatic extraction of simulation-relevant data for people flow analyses from intelligent building models


A new research project was launched in May 2018: AHEAD.

Together with the Chair for Computational Modeling and Simulation at the Technical University of Munich, accu:rate is investigating the automatic extraction of simulation-relevant data from BIM models. This project is funded by the mFund initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport.

Why is it important to integrate pedestrian simulation into the building lifecycle as early as possible? Already in the planning phase of buildings, simulations can be used to test the requirements for later use. Not only does this allow for a more accurate design process, but it also avoids follow-up costs due to incorrect design and subsequent modifications. The goal of AHEAD is to easily integrate people flow simulation into Building Information Modeling (BIM) to establish it as a digital planning tool in the building lifecycle and make it even more usable.

accu:rate takes the role of coordinator and expert for pedestrian flow simulation in the project.

The project partner is Prof. Borrmann from the Chair for Computer Aided Modeling and Simulation at the Technical University of Munich, who as an expert for Building Information Modeling contributes valuable knowledge about different tools.

Fact check AHEAD

Coordinator: accu:rate GmbH
Project volume: 130.805 € (thereof 76% subsidy by BMDV)
Project partner: Technische Universität München, Chair of Computer-Aided Modeling and Simulation
Duration: 05/2018 – 04/2019

funded by BMDV
